Great field trip with Sakaw members and provincial government foresters in the mixedwood forest around Prince Albert to discuss mixedwood management issues. Many challenges with a lack of viable hardwood markets in the area.
Department of Renewable Resources
Great field trip with Sakaw members and provincial government foresters in the mixedwood forest around Prince Albert to discuss mixedwood management issues. Many challenges with a lack of viable hardwood markets in the area.
Lots of great talks at the American Society of Mining and Reclamation 2018 Conference in St. Louis this past week, but especially these two on stockpile soil seedbanks and aspen suckering! And congratulations to Steph who was awarded 2nd place Read More …
Congratulations Sanatan on your new paper on the spatial pattern of young trees in reclaimed and natural forests! This work was recently published in Acta Oecologia (doi.org/10.1016/j.actao.2018.05.003) and highlights the differences in tree spatial patterns and competition among different soil Read More …
Great day out at spring field school discussing silviculture and forest management issues. Highlights included stops at a growth and yield experiment, spruce underplanting, and regeneration survey practice. Beautiful spot for lunch too!
Congratulations Dr. Dietrich! It was a pleasure to be on Sebastian’s PhD committee and he did a great job at his defense yesterday. Thesis titled: Characterization of Soil Spatial Heterogeneity and Improvement of Capping Materials for Oil Sands Mine Reclamation Read More …
Congratulations Jenn and Kyle on your recent publication in Ecological Processes on plant competition in different reclamation soils! http://rdcu.be/J6VX Buss, J., Stratechuk, K. and Pinno, B.D. 2018. Growth and competition among understory plants varies depending on reclamation soil and fertilization. Read More …